탑 아이콘

화인 심리상담센터


2017-04-20      조회 841   댓글 0  
이메일주소 jjj@newbreed.co.kr

Today I met a lot of people at once with a lot of interaction, which I haven’t done in a long time. 

These faces that that i would see in the subway or in the street. 

Meeting them & hearing their stories, especially the first round of introduction made me realize there is more to those faces & made each person more special/unique somehow  & changes the way I will see people in the future less judgemental.

  At some point I got annoyed when it became too much about leaving Arno & Ari, because that’s not really the problem, or so I tricked myself into thinking. 

I was the last one not to leave the room to see the building, which only shows my reluctance still.

  I don’t know what I want to do with my life, but I know at the moment I am not living for myself & living through somebody else. 

I need to know that I can be independent, to do this & I want more a lot of my life, then currently.

  I need to challenge myself more, or life is going to pass me.

I want to see how far I can make it, explore my talents & develop them. 

I was scared & that’s why I hid belief Arno & Ari. 

The counselling session, if I can admit, did not really help me tremendously in changing myself. I felt it too simple. 

  But what it did teach me was that it’s an instant, & it doesn’t work just by knowing it, you need to Act on it.


  I met all sorts of people today, somebody afraid of their father, somebody who cares too much about what others think of them, shy people, somebody who met a married man, gay who ran away their houses, woman with cancer.

  Love me first. 

If you love yourself, you can love others. 

I realize that I don’t really, or else I would not have spent the last 5 years this way. 


첨부파일 easter-2197043_960_720.jpg (166.86KB) [0] 2018-08-13 17:48:17
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